Proceeding International Conference in Cultural Studies. Tema “Nusantara Hero from Any Perspective”. Surakarta, 29 September 2022 (preorder)
Judul Buku : Proceeding International Conference in Cultural Studies. Tema “Nusantara Hero from Any Perspective”. Surakarta, 29 September 2022 (preorder)
Author : Angga Prasetiya, dkk.
Publisher : UNS Press
Harga : Rp 0
ISBN : 978-602-397-854-0 (PDF)
Bulan / Tahun Terbit : Juni / 2023
Jumlah Halaman : 683 halaman
Panjang x Lebar Buku : 21 x 29,7 cm
Kertas : PDF (Digital)
Sinopsis :
International Conference in Cultural Studies (ICNCS) with the theme of national heroes from various perspectives. Of course, this activity is very relevant to the vision of FIB UNS, namely as a center for the development of humanities, especially in the development of language, literature, and culture in an effort to advance civilization. The theme of this conference is very interesting and at the same time challenges all of us to explore and elaborate more deeply through philological studies. The flow of globalization which tends to homogenize everything and abandon various local wisdoms has done more harm than the other way around, especially for nations that have their own uniqueness. Including the loss of local heroes who become role models in acting for local communities in dealing with changing times. Historically, the Southeast Asian region has had many fictional, imaginary and real heroes in history that can be used as references in facing present and future challenges. The values of kindness that are attached will remain eternal for all time. Therefore, it needs to be continuously explored and actualized according to the challenges of the times.
Author : Angga Prasetiya, dkk.
Publisher : UNS Press
Harga : Rp 0
ISBN : 978-602-397-854-0 (PDF)
Bulan / Tahun Terbit : Juni / 2023
Jumlah Halaman : 683 halaman
Panjang x Lebar Buku : 21 x 29,7 cm
Kertas : PDF (Digital)
Sinopsis :
International Conference in Cultural Studies (ICNCS) with the theme of national heroes from various perspectives. Of course, this activity is very relevant to the vision of FIB UNS, namely as a center for the development of humanities, especially in the development of language, literature, and culture in an effort to advance civilization. The theme of this conference is very interesting and at the same time challenges all of us to explore and elaborate more deeply through philological studies. The flow of globalization which tends to homogenize everything and abandon various local wisdoms has done more harm than the other way around, especially for nations that have their own uniqueness. Including the loss of local heroes who become role models in acting for local communities in dealing with changing times. Historically, the Southeast Asian region has had many fictional, imaginary and real heroes in history that can be used as references in facing present and future challenges. The values of kindness that are attached will remain eternal for all time. Therefore, it needs to be continuously explored and actualized according to the challenges of the times.