English for Tourism and Hospitality Purposes (preorder)
Author : Diah Kristina, Rara Sugiarti, & Deniawan Tommy Chandra Wijaya.
Publisher : UNS Press
Harga : Rp 0
ISBN : -
Bulan / Tahun Terbit : Desember / 2022
Jumlah Halaman : 130 halaman
Panjang x Lebar Buku : 15 x 23 cm
Kertas : PDF (Digital)
Judul Buku : English for Tourism and Hospitality Purposes (preorder)
Author : Diah Kristina, Rara Sugiarti, & Deniawan Tommy Chandra Wijaya.
Publisher : UNS Press
Harga : Rp 0
ISBN : -
Bulan / Tahun Terbit : Desember / 2022
Jumlah Halaman : 130 halaman
Panjang x Lebar Buku : 15 x 23 cm
Kertas : PDF (Digital)
Sinopsis :
There are so many modules of English for Tourism that I’ve ever read and used. Then, finally I received this module and was invited to be a reviewer of it. I was very surprised when reading this module since I found a lot of useful texts and creative activities to support university students’ understanding on certain current issues in tourism and hospitality field of study. Besides, this module can function as a place where university students can practice their English competence through creative innovative learning activities such as case-study, survey, project-based, and engaged actively with interactive medias, such as videos, slides, and contextual images to make the learning fun and insightful. [Joice Yulinda Luke, S.Pd., M.Hum. Binus University].
Author : Diah Kristina, Rara Sugiarti, & Deniawan Tommy Chandra Wijaya.
Publisher : UNS Press
Harga : Rp 0
ISBN : -
Bulan / Tahun Terbit : Desember / 2022
Jumlah Halaman : 130 halaman
Panjang x Lebar Buku : 15 x 23 cm
Kertas : PDF (Digital)
Sinopsis :
There are so many modules of English for Tourism that I’ve ever read and used. Then, finally I received this module and was invited to be a reviewer of it. I was very surprised when reading this module since I found a lot of useful texts and creative activities to support university students’ understanding on certain current issues in tourism and hospitality field of study. Besides, this module can function as a place where university students can practice their English competence through creative innovative learning activities such as case-study, survey, project-based, and engaged actively with interactive medias, such as videos, slides, and contextual images to make the learning fun and insightful. [Joice Yulinda Luke, S.Pd., M.Hum. Binus University].